Test cases Of Online Examination System

Test Cases for Online Examination System

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In this article, we are sharing some test scenarios for an online examination system. The focus here is to cover the different features to be tested instead of the creation of formal test cases, so we will be presenting test scenarios here.

Test Scenarios for Setting Exam Functionality

  1. Verify that the application has a portal to add subject-wise questions and their options.
  2. Verify that the examiner can set the examination details like ‘Exam Name’, ‘Subject’, ‘Exam Code’ etc.
  3. Verify that the examiner can set the total number of questions and based on the number of questions, the examiner is presented with the window to add question details.
  4. Verify that the examiner can set details for each question – Question, Options, Marks, etc.
  5. Verify that the examiner can set or leave the option of negative marking.
  6. Verify that the examiner can set the passing marks for clearing the exam.
  7. Verify that the examiner can set the time duration for the whole exam or for individual questions if required.

Test scenarios for Student Section

  1. Verify the student can choose the examination based on the exam name or code.
  2. Verify that the student should see the options to fill in the required details like name, roll number, etc before starting the exam.
  3. Verify that after filling in the required details user should see the option to begin the exam along with instructions.
  4. Verify that once the examination begins a timer gets started based on the test duration.
  5. Verify that for each question user is presented with an option for multiple-choice questions(MCQ) type questions.
  6. Verify that the user can choose a single(radio button) or multiple(checkbox) option based on the type of questions.
  7. Verify that on the question’s window user is presented with options to move to the previous or next question.
  8. Verify that once all the questions are answered or passed user can end the test.
  9. Verify that if the time duration for the test gets reached the test automatically ends.
  10. Verify that once the test is submitted, the test evaluation is performed considering the positive and negative markings.
  11. Verify that on evaluation user is presented with Pass/Fail status along with Marks secured, questions attempted, etc.

Test Case Examples

Login PageRegistration PageE-commerce AppGoogle Search
ATM MachineHeader, Footer, Textbox, etcFacebookGMail
YoutubeCoffee MachineDateFieldDoor
CalculatorFanFlight ReservationCar
Hospital ManagementKeyboardKindleLift
Mobile PhoneMouseMicrowave OvenNotepad
Online ExaminationPenPencilRemote Control
Wrist WatchWater BottleWhatsappWhite Board
ChairMarkerForgot PasswordAir Conditioner

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