test cases of facebook

Test Cases for Facebook

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In this post, we will present some test scenarios of Facebook. Although there would be thousands of test cases for facebook we are limiting the tests to common features like – profile setting, comments, and post in timeline etc.

We will leave features like creating signup, login, page creation, groups creation, events etc. Please note that the below-mentioned scenarios are for reference only to teach the concept of test scenario writing, the tests are nowhere related to actual Facebook’s testing.

For login and registration functionality check Test Scenarios for Login and Test Scenarios for Registration.

User Timeline Test Cases for Facebook

  1. Verify that user can set profile pic uploaded from his or her computer.
  2. Verify that user can set profile pic uploaded from mobile.
  3. Verify that uer can set profile pic from photos present on his facbook account’s photo section.
  4. Verify that user can set profile from webcam or mobile camera.
  5. Verify that user can set cover pic uploaded from his or her computer.
  6. Verify that user can set cover pic uploaded from mobile.
  7. Verify that user can set cover pic from photos present on his facbook account’s photo section.
  8. Verify that user can set cover from webcam or mobile camera.
  9. Verify that uploading image of unsupported type should lead to error message.
  10. Verify that uploading image of size exceeding maximum allowed size should lead to error message.
  11. Verify that uploading image of size less than the allowed minimum size should lead to error message.
  12. Verify that uploading image of larger dimension than permitted should lead to error message.
  13. Verify that uploading image of smaller dimension than permitted should lead to error message.
  14. Verify that change in profile pic should get reflected in each post/comment of the user’s timeline.
  15. Verify that user can add/edit their account information displayed to other users.
  16. Verify that users can post text in their timeline and the same gets displyed to their friends.
  17. Verify that users can post images in their timeline and the same gets displyed to their friends.
  18. Verify that users can post links with or without preview in their timeline and the same gets displayed to their friends.
  19. Verify that user can tag friends in their posts.
  20. Verify that users can see the all the post in their timeline.
  21. Verify that users can see comments, likes and reactions in the posts present in their timeline.
  22. Verify that users can post comments, like and react to the posts present in their timeline.

Friends and their Timelines Test Cases for Facebook

Here we have listed a few test cases that you should check:

  1. Verify that the user can search for friends in facebook’s ‘Find friends’ search functionality.
  2. Verify that users can send a friend requests to any user by visiting their page.
  3. Verify that the user can navigate through their Friend’s friend and send a friend requests to them.
  4. Verify that the user can approve or decline received friend request.
  5. Verify that the user can unfriend any existing friend.
  6. Verify that users can see the timeline of their friends.
  7. Verify that users can post text in their friend’s timeline.
  8. Verify that users can post images in their timeline and the same gets displayed to their friends.
  9. Verify that users can post links with or without preview in their friend’s timeline.
  10. Verify that users can tag friends in their posts on a friend’s timeline.
  11. Verify that users can see all the posts in their friend’s timeline.
  12. Verify that users can see comments, likes, and reactions in the posts present in their friend’s timeline.
  13. Verify that users can post comments, like and react to the posts present in their friend’s timeline.

Facebook Notification Test Scenarios

  1. Verify that users receive different notifications on facebook ‘Notifications’ icon.
  2. Verify that users receive different notifications on email or cell phone based on the settings chosen when not logged in to Facebook.
  3. Verify that users receive a notification when their friend request gets approved.
  4. Verify that users receive a notification when they get a friend request.
  5. Verify that users receive a notification when they get tagged by someone on posts or comments.
  6. Verify that users receive a notification when they get comments, like or reactions on their posts.
  7. Verify that users receive notification when someone posts on their timeline.

Test Case Examples

Login PageRegistration PageE-commerce AppGoogle Search
ATM MachineHeader, Footer, Textbox, etcFacebookGMail
YoutubeCoffee MachineDateFieldDoor
CalculatorFanFlight ReservationCar
Hospital ManagementKeyboardKindleLift
Mobile PhoneMouseMicrowave OvenNotepad
Online ExaminationPenPencilRemote Control
Wrist WatchWater BottleWhatsappWhite Board
ChairMarkerForgot PasswordAir Conditioner

Do check our detailed guide on Test Scenarios to learn about test scenarios and its template.

17 thoughts on “Test Cases for Facebook”

  1. Hello Kuldeep Sir,

    Some test scenarios on Facebook chat box.

    1. Check received messages counts should be displayed on ‘Facebook Message’ icon

    2. Verify that user gets all received messages in his inbox

    3. Verify that only ‘message contacts’ will display in left hand side of message box

    4. Verify that profile picture display in left hand side of inbox is correct for each user

    5. Verify that ‘Active’ users display with green dot in message box

    6. Verify that unread messages are highlighted so that user can identify it

    7. Check received messages counts should be displayed with Inbox in ‘Messages’ page

    8. Verify that messages will get display in Inbox of ‘User1’ only when ‘sender’ is connected with user1 on Facebook

    9. Verify that messages will get display in ‘Other’ tab of ‘User1’ if ‘sender’ is not connected with user1 on Facebook

    11. Verify that user can search contacts in message box

    12. Check behavior of chat box if we change network from Wi-Fi to LAN

    13. Verify that user is able to navigate to old conversation or can view message history

    14. Verify that user is able to send new message to friend selected from list present at left hand side

    15. Verify that message get sent after clicking on enter button

    16. Verify that copy, paste works in chat box or not

    17. Verify that the User is able to send special characters in Chat or not.

    18. Verify that the User is able to share hyperlinked URLs, Emails, or not.

    19. Verify that how many words or characters can be sent at a time.

    20. Verify that spell functionality works fine in chat box

    21. Check if user enters message in textbox and click on refresh button without sending it

    22. Verify that user is able to send smiley

    23. Verify that user is able to send multiple smiles at a time

    24. Verify that if user types smiles in letters then it will look like their icon or not

    25. Verify that the User is able to share images

    26. Verify that error message should get display after uploading image of unsupported type

    27. Verify that the User is able to share videos

    28. Verify that the User is able to share files

    29. Verify error message should get display after uploading large size files

    30. Verify that user is able to send messages in local languages

    31. Verify that if user has typed any message and navigated to another tab without sending it then message should not get removed

    32. Verify that user gets appropriate message if internet goes down while sending message

    33. Verify that user is able to view that which device has been used to send a message.

    34. Verify that user is able to delete sent message

    35. Verify that user is able to delete multiple messages at a time

    36. Verify that user is able to view his sent messages on different devices

    37. Verify that ‘loader’ will get display if message sending takes time due to connection issues

    38. Verify that the User is able to send messages to other offline Users.

    39. Verify that the User is able to send messages request to other user who is not in contact list

    40. Verify that user can send direct message to anyone from contact list

    41. Log into Facebook more than 2 devices at a time and try to send messages>>Sent message lists and message contact list should get update/refresh on every device where has logged in

    42. Type message in chat box and click on another menu>>should display warning message to user

    42. Type message in chat box>>observe how much time it remain in chat box(when session will expire)

    43. Verify that blocked contacts displaying chat box or not

    44. Verify that unfriend contacts displaying chat box or not

    45. Verify that deleted message contacts displaying chat box or not

    46. Log in to Facebook more than 2 devices at a time>> enter message text for one friend in chat box from mobile device>> now log out Facebook from desktop>>view typed message in mobile(User should not get logged out and message remain as it is in chat box)

    47. Log in to Facebook more than 2 devices at a time>> Type message text for one friend in chat box from mobile device>> now change Facebook password from desktop>>User should get logged out from all devices

    48. Verify that user is able to forward messages/images/videos from one user to another

    49. Check if user typing message in chat box on mobile device and call or SMS came in between>>Typed message should not get removed

    50. Check if user typing message in chat box on mobile device and mobile/laptop gets discharged

    51. Check if user typing message in chat box on desktop and desktop gets shut down automatically

    52. Verify that warning message gets display if user typed message in chat box and suddenly click on close button

    53. Verify that user is not able to send blank message

    54. Verify that message contacts list will get display based on recent conversations

    55. Should display warning message and asked to scan device if users gets any malicious message


    Some common cases

    Verify that message functionality working on all supported Devices

    Verify that message functionality working on all supported platform/browsers

    Verify that scroll bar display wherever necessary

    To check button size

    To check button color

    Verify that appropriate placeholders given to textboxes

    Verify that appropriate tooltips given to buttons

    Verify that expand/collapse buttons works properly

    Verify that all labels are display correctly

    Verify that user is able to navigates using tab key

    Verify that arrow keys works correctly

    Verify that profile pictures display clearly


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