Applications of DBMS

Top 10 Applications of DBMS

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In the modern world, every application uses data, and the most common and efficient way to manage and store this data is the use of a database.

A database management system is a set of software that is used to create and retrieve the data of end-users with proper security measures. And also acts as an interface between the end-user or third-party software and the database to access and maintain the integrity of the data.

The DBMS provides a centralized view of data, enabling a multi-user environment in a controlled manner. In this article, we will explain the application of the DBMS. However, the use of DBMS is not only limited to these uses or applications.

Applications Of DBMS

Due to the increase in digitalization, there are many fields in which DBMS is used such as banking, railways, Online Shopping, TeleCommunication Sites, and many more sectors. Let’s discuss them one by one.

Online Shopping

Applications of dbms - ecommerce

Today, no one is visiting the stores as all they need is just a click away thus this has increased web-based shopping on different platforms i.e. Flipkart, Amazon, etc. These companies sell a variety of products and each product has a price, description, and other characteristics.

Multiple orders can be booked via a single user. Each order forms a logical line. When an order is shipped and delivered all the necessary details like Invoice, Shipping details, etc. are automatically stored in the database and can’t be changed via end users. And all of this is done with the help of DBMS.

Ride-Sharing Concept

The popular carpooling approach that we use to see also uses the database. Real-time ridesharing companies employ “smartphones”, automated ride-sharing software, GPS, and wireless networks. These companies have real-time access to the database to complete the rides of users.

Social Media Sites

Accessing the various social media platforms requires a user to fill in several details as a signup process. Vast numbers of users visit these sites daily and feed their details. All of these details are stored in the database safely and securely.

Education Sector

The pieces of information about students’ registration numbers, courses opted, fees structure, etc. all of the data is fed into DBMS and is retrieved with the help of the Database Admin.

Reservation System

The early reservation we make for our travel, the trains and flight schedule, delay, boarding, and departure of flights or trains all of this is updated in DBMS. We get to know about the delay of trains or flights accessing DBMS via the applications provided.

Healthcare System

A healthcare system has multiple branches in various cities. A real-time database is used to manage and store information about doctors, patients, and schedules of doctors.

HR Management System

The big companies have a lot of employees and representatives working under them. All the necessary information i.e. employee assessment, tax records, salary slips, etc are maintained and stored in DBMS.

Scientific Database

A database related to research areas like molecular and cellular biology, DNA sequencing, etc. is a good example of a scientific database. A scientific database contains data about various organisms and a gene catalog of partially or completed genomes. All this database has one group and can be accessed by multiple researchers.

Finance Sector


Various data representing sales, values, and stocks are accomplished with the help of DBMS.


Various important and confidential files are also stored in the database as it provides a big security assurance. The data of soldiers and military equipment are also stored in the database and the authorized person can know each detail as the database provides easy access to all information in one place.

Furthermore, there are various sectors in which the DBMS plays an important role in storing retrieval and update of data these are-

  • Banking Sector
  • Telecommunications
  • Sales
  • Industries
  • Social media Sites
  • Library Management

We have covered the applications of DBMS that are used in real life. With each new technology arriving in the market, the database will have more and more uses in the coming days.

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