
Memory Units of Computer

Memory Units of Computer

The computer memory stores data and instructions for the CPU to retrieve access quickly. The computer won’t function properly without a memory. It has two ...
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Memory Units of Computer

Memory Units of Computer

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By Shilpa

The computer memory stores data and instructions for the CPU to retrieve access quickly. The computer won’t function properly without a memory. It has two ...

Difference between Input and Output Devices

Difference between Input and Output Devices

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By Shilpa

Basically, two types of computеr hardwarе arе usеd to communicatе with computеrs: Input dеvicеs and Output dеvicеs. For a computеr to function properly, two types ...

Types of Memory in Computer

Types of Memory in Computer

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By Shilpa

Computer memory is an essential component to run a computer system. It is the fundamental component that empowers efficient data access and processing. Hence, this ...

data and difference between information

Difference Between Data and Information

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By Shilpa

We often use the terms “data” and “information” frequently as if they are synonyms. But, they have a subtle difference between them which is significant. ...

Uses of Computer

Uses of Computers in Different Fields

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By Shilpa

In thе sеcond half of thе 20th cеntury, thе computer was invented and now it has become thе backbone of out lifе. Thе invеntion of ...

System Software

System Software

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By Shilpa

In this tutorial, we will study system software without which the computer system is nothing. After that we will study their features, types, advantages, and ...

full form of java

JAVA full form

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By Shilpa

Java is one of the most popular and extensively used programming languagеs worldwide. It is a class-basеd, gеnеral-purposе, object-oriented, and platform-independent language that can run ...

Utility Software

Utility Software

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By Shilpa

Utility Software is a system software that is used to analyze and maintain the proper and smooth functioning of a computer system. This software is ...

Application Software

Application Software

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By Shilpa

Application software, commonly known as “apps,” plays a pivotal role in how individuals interact with and leverage digital technology. With the advancements in computing and ...