Reverse a String in Java

Reverse a String in Java

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In this tutorial, we will study 5 different ways to reverse a string in Java.

Reversing a String in Java is a very common operation and hence, one of the most frequently asked Java interview questions at beginner level interviews. So, let’s begin.

String Reverse in Java using For Loop

In this approach, we are using two string methods, charAt()  and length(). The charAt(index) method means ‘character at’. In the place of the index, the integer value is inserted from 0 to length-1 of the string.

So, the charAt() will return the character of the string which will be present at that index. The length() method returns an integer value of the length of the string evoked.

public class StringReverse {
	public static void main (String[] args)	{
		//String to be reversed
		String str = "testing";
		//Length of the string
		int length = str.length();
		//Initializing the reversed string variable
		String reverse = "";
		for(int i=length-1;i>=0;i--)
		    reverse= reverse + str.charAt(i);

Reverse a String in Java using Recursion

If a function calls itself multiple times then such an approach is called a recursive method.
It is important to know a recursive approach to a problem as it breaks down a code into small repetitive blocks. Thus making it easier to understand by making the code look less complicated.  Keep in mind, in a recursion a base condition and a terminating condition is a must, otherwise the function will call itself indefinitely.

public class StringReverse {
	//method which reverses the string
	private static String reverse(String str) {
		//terminating condition
		if(str == null || str.length() <= 1) {
			return str;
		//calling the recursive function
		return reverse(str.substring(1)) + str.charAt(0);
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String str = "testing";
		//using the reverse method of string
		String rev = reverse(str);

String Reverse using StringBuffer Class

The StringBuffer class is just like the string class, with a slight difference – it can be modified. The objects in string buffer class are mutable.

In this approach, we can simply use the reverse() method of StringBuffer class.

public class StringReverse {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String str = "testing";
		//creating an object for the string buffer class
		StringBuffer sb= new StringBuffer(str);
		//using reverse() method of the String builder

String Reverse using StringBuilder Class

The StringBuilder class is a faster alternative to the StringBuffer class but it is not thread safe. So, if thread safety is not required then we should opt for StringBuilder class.

In this approach, we can simply use the reverse() method of StringBuilder class to reverse a string.

public class StringReverse {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		String str ="testing";
		//creating an object for the string builder class
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str);
		//using reverse() method of the String

Using toCharArray() and Concat operator

The toCharArray() method means to character array and is used to covert a string or a number into an array of characters. This helps in operating the characters of the string individually. The Concat operator(+) is used to join two strings.

public class StringReverse {
	public static String reverseString(String str){
		//convert the string into a character array
		char charArray[] = str.toCharArray();
		String reverse = "";
		//for loop to reverse a string
		for(int i=charArray.length-1;i>=0;i--){
			//concat operator(+)
			reverse = reverse + charArray[i];
		return reverse;
	public static void main(String[] args) {

With this, we have come to an end of this tutorial, covering 5 of the most common ways to reverse a string in Java.

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