mouse interactions in selenium

Mouse Actions in Selenium WebDriver

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In this Selenium tutorial, we will be studying the advanced mouse interactions using Actions class. Using these methods, we can perform mouse operations like right-click, double click, mouse hover, click and hold, etc.

Actions Class Method for Mouse Interactions

  1. click()-
    This method is used to click at the current mouse pointer position. It is particularly useful when used with other mouse and keyboard events, generating composite actions.

  2. click(WebElement webElement)-
    This method is used to click at the middle of a web element passed as parameter to the click() method.

  3. clickAndHold()-
    The clickAndHold() method is used to perform the click method without releasing the mouse button.

  4. clickAndHold(WebElement onElement)-
    This method performs the click method without releasing the mouse button over a web element.

  5. contextClick()-
    This method is used to perform the right click operation(context-click) at the current mouse position.

  6. contextClick(WebElement onElement)-
    This method performs the right click operation at a particular web element.

  7. doubleClick()-
    As the name suggest, this method performs double click operation at a current mouse position.

  8. doubleClick(WebElement onElement)-
    Performs the double click operation at a particular web element.

  9. dragAndDrop(WebElement fromElement, WebElement toElement)-
    This is a utility method to perform the dragAndDrop operation directly wherein, we can pass the source element and the target element as parameter.

  10. dragAndDropBy(WebElement fromElement, int xOffset, int yOffset)-
    This method is a variation of dragAndDrop(fromElement, toElement) in which instead of passing the target element as parameter, we pass the x and y offsets. The method clicks the source web element and then releases at the x and y offsets.

  11. moveByOffset(int xOffset, int yOffset)-
    This method is used to move the mouse pointer to a particular position based on the x and y offsets passed as parameter.

  12. moveToElement(WebElement toElement)-
    This method is used to move the mouse pointer to a web element passed as parameter.

  13. moveToElement(WebElement toElement, int xOffset, int yOffset)-
    This method moves the mouse pointer by the given x and y offsets from the top-left corner of the specified web element.

  14. release()-
    This method releases the pressed left mouse button at the current mouse pointer position.

  15. release(WebElement onElement)-
    This method release the pressed left mouse button at a particular web element.

Code snippet for a Mouse Action

//WebElement which needs to be right clicked
WebElement rtClickElement = driver.findElement(By Locator of rtClickElement);
//Generating a Action to perform context click or right click
Actions rightClickAction = new Actions(driver).contextClick(rtClickElement);
//Performing the right click Action generated;

This completes our tutorial on Mouse Actions in Selenium WebDriver. For complete step by step Selenium WebDriver tutorial check – Selenium Tutorial.

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